
Discussion in 'Hornby RTR' started by paul_l, Jan 10, 2016.

  1. paul_l

    paul_l Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    I was looking for a RTR Scottish region shunter and didn't want a Caley Pug.
    Step up the Hornby Railrod J83 (ex NBR Class D 0-6-0T).

    For prototype details try these:-


    Reviews were mixed, so I thought I'd see if I could pick one up via eBay, and £15 inc p&p later an LNER version arrived via the postie.

    As my layout is DCC, the first step was to strip the loco down and see if it could be easily converted to DCC. It is not DCC ready, my usual method is to install either a Hornby or Hattons cheapo decoder, if I get it wrong I dont want to fry an expensive one. This loco was converted with a Hattons decoder, the conversion is coverd in teh DCC section, but here is the link to the video.

    Now the body.

    The paint was removed by steeping the body in Dettol (the brown original type) for over 48 hrs, this is a smelly slow process, so a glass jar with a lid is a bonus.


    Couple of days later, and a few interventions with a tooth brush to remove loose paint and voila...


    A handy addition for removing the paint is an old electric toothbrush - Tesco sell a value electric toothbrush for around a fiver.

    Base coat was Humbrol No1 Grey Acrylic, applied in several light coats from my air brush.


    Then Games workshops Chaos Black from a Rattle can.
    Sanded smooth between coates, then sealed with Humbrol GlossCote.
    HMRS pressfix transfers were applied using Decal fix, then once hardened sealed with GlossCote.


    68452 was a Thornton allocated engine, and I found a colour photo online to use as a reference.

    The loco was given a wash with humbrol dust wash, then attacked with humbrol weathering powders.



    Just need to order up new traction tyres for the center wheels and decide what decoder will finally be fitted, as its a shunter it will get a stay-alive. Then it really needs a cab floor and crew.

    But for £15 it'll do for me until it can be replaced with a better model.

  2. Toto

    Toto I'm best ignored Staff Member Founder Administrator

    Likes Received:
    Dec 5, 2017
    Great job covered there Paul. Just shows what can be achieved with a bottle of Dettol. :avatar: fantastic weathered finish as well.

    Top drawer.

  3. 60019Bittern

    60019Bittern Full Member

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    Dec 16, 2015
    Nice job Paul. I'm gradually getting around to sorting out some of my oldies and have an interesting little change to a 'Polly' to work out sometime, like fitting cylinders to it and the additional connecting rods to suit. Thinking along the lines of the cylinders from old Dapol L&Y Pug kit.
  4. mattc6911


    Likes Received:
    Dec 28, 2015
    What about this stuff anyone tried it ?

  5. paul_l

    paul_l Staff Member Administrator

    Likes Received:
    Dec 5, 2015
    I have heard of Bullfrog Snot before, and those that used it swear by it, not tired it myself, or any other variety of snot available either :giggle:

    The Polly conversion would be interesting, especially dependant on the motor, if its and old X04 type, then it may be worth checking the current draw on DC before conversion. Also for open frame motors (X04 etc) it may be worth looking for replacement Neodyium magnets for the motor during the rebuild.

  6. 60019Bittern

    60019Bittern Full Member

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    Dec 16, 2015
    Had a look at the idea of fitting cylinders to Polly but it would be a non-starter because of the open design of the original Triang chassis. The support bracket for the slide rods drops on the centre of the front drivers so am giving it a repaint instead, as well as a repaint on an old Caley 0-4-0 that I had knocking around. This will produce me two small locos for plank use.

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