Darstaed MK1 BSK Coach in O Gauge Review

Discussion in 'Product Reviews' started by Toto, Aug 19, 2018.

  1. Toto

    Toto I'm best ignored Staff Member Founder Administrator

    Likes Received:
    Dec 5, 2017
    OK ......

    The last of the Darstaed product reviews for the moment and we are looking at a BR MK1 BSK Coach in BR Blue and Grey livery.

    OK ..... so ..... the box ........ a .... cardboard sleeve type affair

    which when opened reveals a polystyrene inner packaging with plastic over layer. The coach itself is also wrapped in a cling film wrapping.

    Inside, as well as the coach, you get a packet with two blank corridor doors ......

    and a pretty comprehensive booklet ........

    which amongst other things tells you the history of the coach ...... and .....

    shows you how to separate the roof for access inside the coach ....... well done Darstaed.

    There is also a selection of transfers with further livery details and running numbers .......

    The model appears to be 100% metal construction and there is a fair weight to it. I knew that the coaches had internal lights, the power for which is picked up via one set of bogie pick ups ....... note the micro switch to enable you to turn the lights off should you wish.

    and there they are ..... so it was off to the shed to get it onto the rolling road .......

    just like that ....... and then was the moment of truth ....... would they work ......

    of course they would. A nice yellow tinge to them. Not too bright. They do get brighter and duller as you increase and decrease the power to the track though so don't stay at a constant.

    Transfers are crisp and the livery in general is very nice .

    door handles etc are sufficiently detailed ......

    as are the lamp irons on each end of the coach.

    a swivel coupling on one end .........

    and a buck eye type affair at the other .......

    all metal bogie and wheel construction which again are fairly strong, free running with no discernable slop. very good.

    a reasonable representation of the under coach detail although I suspect there could be more added.

    The coach in general is of a very robust construction. It feels quite weighty and you get confidence whilst handling it that the detail is not about to fall off in your hands whilst being handled. I do have a Helan equivalent to compare against which unfortunately does lie in a couple of pieces in the box due to just the bare minimum of handling whilst taking out to inspect when new. ...... Brownie points there then Darstead.

    the livery, I feel is quite well represented although, as per my other reviews, I readily admit to not being any authority on that so decide for yourself. the booklet is very informative and its good that the access method into the inside of the coach has been clearly shown. The pricing point which I think comes in at £ 179.00 per coach, I think once again beats the competition hands down not just in terms of the final price itself, but the quality that you get for the price.

    At the risk of boring folks, I'll say once more ...... the review of any product is a very subjective matter and could probably be improved by someone more knowledgeable or authoritive on the subject but from a lay mans point of view, I think its another very nice product. Darstaed seems to be releasing numerous products back into the O Gauge market at the moment. I believe it is a " re-entry " for them now that the market is opening up further in terms of demand. the quality and price at which they are coming in at could be a game changer for O Gauge modelers or anyone contemplating starting off in O gauge. Its very encouraging.

    Once again, if anyone would like to see a specific photo of a detail which I have not covered, please shout out. I'm happy to help. For further information on Darstaed products, I suggest visiting our very own Forum Sponsor, Ellis Clark who will be delighted to advise you further on potential purchases or how you can get the opportunity to inspect the Darstaed range under closer scrutiny.

    I hope you have found the above of interest.

    thanks for now

    York Paul and Andy_Sollis like this.

    SMR CHRIS Staff Member Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Dec 31, 2015
    That BSK looks good Toto I like the coupling arrangement and the corridor connection looks interesting.
  3. Timbersurf


    Likes Received:
    Jun 20, 2018
    Toto, not that I currently model bigger than 1:72, but my mind is wandering about an O gauge display with powered track. ;)

    I wonder about two types of coupling? Is the idea to alternate along the rake? Does it come with spares or are you expected to buy those that are appropriate later?
    jakesdad13 likes this.
  4. jakesdad13

    jakesdad13 Staff Member Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Dec 14, 2015
    And another one falling under the spell :avatar::avatar:
  5. York Paul

    York Paul Staff Member Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Aug 20, 2017
    :avatar: That's how I started out, 5 minutes in a friends house looking at big steam engines on big track and most of my remaining 4mm stuff was sold on. Nothing better than a well detailed Black 5 or 8F on a display shelf to drool over :thumbs:.
  6. ianvolvo46

    ianvolvo46 Staff Member Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Dec 8, 2015
    well yer not getting me .. any threat to my tinto purchasing budget and I'll pass out .. (bad enough the 'hard we know' gubbins
  7. Timbersurf


    Likes Received:
    Jun 20, 2018
    Depends what the competition comprises of, always willing to have a go, but even if I do enter, I best NOT win :giggle:, as it just struck me, nice O gauge carriage with working lights (or truck) sitting on the mantelpiece, will look a bit sick without an engine :redface:, I'm with you Ian, best not enter in case! Got enough problems with 'Ard we know' learning curve!
  8. Kimbo

    Kimbo Staff Member Moderator

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    Dec 13, 2015
    Re the couplings...the buckeye type between the coaches makes it much easier to couple and un-couple the coaches. The three link is a straight forward replacement requiring the removal of two screws to swap them over. I’ve found that coupling up the GWR set to a King a real struggle with the three link due to the corridor connection and all the detailing on the end of the underside of the coach, it can be done but it’s very awkward, so I’ve ordered a few extra buckeye couplings from Ellis to convert a few of my locos over to make uncoupling a lot easier.
    I’m very impressed with them and can highly recommend them as a great value for money coach, very nicely detailed, love Roy smooth running with the added bonus of lighting and rear working tail lamp :thumbup:

  9. Toto

    Toto I'm best ignored Staff Member Founder Administrator

    Likes Received:
    Dec 5, 2017
    I think the three link at one end will assist in coupling to most loco's. Then Buck eye between coaches. Possibly.


  10. paul_l

    paul_l Staff Member Administrator

    Likes Received:
    Dec 5, 2015
    Very nice looking model ...... Dear Santa, I've been a good boy - honest :whatever:
  11. Kimbo

    Kimbo Staff Member Moderator

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    Dec 13, 2015
    There’s an article in the July Model Rail magazine no. 249 by Dave Lowery, to improve these lovely coaches...

    The article covers adjusting the couplings for using on tightly curved track work and also improving the lighting pickups, installing passengers plus adding the excellent decals and a spot of weathering to the bogies.

    This article prompted me to sort out my rake of Great Western stock purchased from Ellis. I’m very pleased with them but there are a couple of minor issues which I wanted to sort out. Firstly there is a slight issue with light bleed from the roof, but only if viewing the coaches running on the track from a low position, which does occur, as I have raised curved sections...

    It’s only a minor fault which can easily be rectified when I add the passengers. Interestingly, Ralph took the roof off his Maroon coach and found that there is tape down each side of the light circuit board which stops any light bleed?? His model might be a later build, not sure. Ellis might be able to confirm this.

    Second minor issue is that I do get the odd flicker of the lights. The Model Rail article shows you how to install a second set of bogie pickups as the model only comes with one set. I had considered doing this but as you will see I came up with another option.

    The instruction Booklet shows you how to remove the roof

    Inside I found a small stay-alive at one end

    Remove the 6 small screws and slide the light board carefully to one side. This makes the job of installing the passengers nice and easy

    My first idea was to increase the size of the stayalive which would be a simple solder job, but I have some flicker free units left over from my oo gauge modelling days. These are a simple capacitor which can be soldered between the track pickups and the lighting board. They have the added advantage that there’s a third wire which can be soldered to a DCC function only decoder so that the coach lights can be turned On & Off on DCC operation. This option I may well add later on.

    Once soldered up I just add some insulation tape to protect it and then hide it inside the first compartment.

    Next job, add some tape to the sides of the circuit board.

    A quick test on the track, then back to the work bench to re assemble....as you can see here, the lights remain on for 60-90 seconds.

    So a nice quick fix while adding passengers. Decals and a bit of weathering next.

    :thumbs: Kim
    jakesdad13 likes this.
  12. Toto

    Toto I'm best ignored Staff Member Founder Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2017
    Thanks for that Kimbo. I'm looking at a rake of 4 blood and custards when my war chest fills up again. Maybe even choc and creams as well. :avatar:

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