Realising a Dream - 18 – Ascent to Upper Levels

Discussion in 'How to' started by Jim Freight, Oct 14, 2021.

  1. Jim Freight

    Jim Freight Full Member

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    Sep 9, 2019
    This industrial branch climbs from the marshalling yard, I describe its route as it ascends through the upper levels.

    The overview of this series contains a symbolic map of this railway :-

    1 Industrial Branch Ascending 60%.jpg

    This branch starts at the same place as the harbour branch but it curves away from the mainline though a rock outcrop to the entrance of the Minix Motors Works yard.


    Image - Curves away from the mainline

    Passing through a catch point protecting the yards from runaways there is a steep climb beside between the Minix Motors and the heavy electrical engineering works to another rocky limestone outcrop called Tattyedd. (Based on a nickname I had from my dad and made to sound a little bit Welsh).


    Image - Climb to Tattyedd

    The track passes the entrance to the Electrical Engineers on the left and the signal box guarding this section of line as it enters Hare Cutting (what else for a tatty head :)), blasted and cut through the limestone.


    Image - Climb to Tattyedd

    On emerging from Hare Cutting the track straightens but still climbs with the Blue Circle Cement works to the right and the Tattyedd Colliery (subject to a trackplan rework to the left).


    Image - Looking up hill past the Cement Works


    Image - Looking dowm hill past the Cement Works

    Passing the exchange sidings for the colliery and cement works the track bends to the left past the 2nd entrance to the colliery with the entrance to the cement works on the right.


    Image - Colliery and Cement Works Connections to branch

    From there the signal box at Warren Hill junction which controls the line in this area is passed before the branch splits into two sub-branches.


    Image - Warren Hill

    The two tracks part company via seperate bridges into the hillside, one to the chemical works of ICI (Litte Runcorn) and the other to the light industry of pizza manufacturing and the ceramics of Ol'Po's Porcelain at Maria Priory. These three sites have not been developed beyond ballasted track at this time although planning has been made for the buildings.

    The loading gauge on the lefthand branch is there for a purpose, the tunnel clearance to Maria Priory is lower than the normal height and serves as a warning to traffic, in particular to certain otherwise small ex-GWR tank locos.


    Image - Warren Hill Junction

    Next, track work.

    Index of Articles with Links

    Last edited: Jun 3, 2023
    Vinylelpea likes this.

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