I can see why the 'stress' over the super glue. I have been back to back with Marc while demoing at the GOG summer show in Doncaster but I haven't really looked too closely at his more recent kits. I must be honest and say I thought that they were a bit expensive when I looked a few years ago but that looks rather nicer than I remember so I may have been doing him an injustice.
I agree about the cost but once you get the hang of supergluing (i sparingly use a high viscosity one) they do come out as nice kits. Being resin based the opens at least have a thickness to the sides and end with etched kits don't have. When the B1 opens arrive from NER Days, I am going to use coffee stirrers to bulk out the ends and sides. I think Marc just needs to slicken up the kit delivery especially making sure the contents are complete, also the online instructions are out of date and need tidying up. They often show white metal w iron/axlebox/spring assemblies and Haywoods buffers, when what often appears are etched w irons and 3d printed axle box/spring and buffer assemblies.