Latest Little Lockdown Project Completed

Discussion in 'Welcome to the DARK side' started by Colin_W, Oct 27, 2020.

  1. Colin_W

    Colin_W Full Member

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    Nov 19, 2016
    So after banging my head on the bench for a few days whilst waiting for some bits and pieces to arrive I was browsing the Web for a project to keep me busy and came across Dave Bodnar's video on You Tube for a 'Wireless controlled hand set' for DCC++. If you are interested in Model Railway Electronics his pages are always worth a visit.
    This is a DCC++ controller that will run up to 4 engines (so far) selectable and programable on a key pad with Function control (lights, sound etc...).
    the article is here:
    and the You Tube video is here:

    He has used an Arduino Pro Mini and I used an Arduino Nano.
    Here are a few pics of the build and I will put up a short video of it in operation if anyone is interested.
    IMG_20201011_113807195.jpg IMG_20201011_113826088.jpg IMG_20201011_113839229.jpg IMG_20201016_132455849.jpg IMG_20201016_132515349.jpg IMG_20201016_132527457.jpg
    Andy_Sollis and paul_l like this.
  2. paul_l

    paul_l Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    WOW, not looked at the links yet, but is that an encoder or a pot for speed control ?

    If an encoder my challenge - should you deem to accept it would be to add a + & - speed step buttons either side of the pot ala NCE controllers, I really like the fine adjustment of speed steps.

  3. paul_l

    paul_l Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    Hi Colin

    I would suggest some form of protection for the battery - low voltage cut off, as these do not like getting discharged too low. And some form of battery management for the charger, I have seen some circuits available at low prices, and I have a feeling when I ordered my HC12's (can't remember what the project was for) they came with a battery charging circuit board as a freebie.

    I will try and locate them to get the device details - not sure where they are tho'

    Andy_Sollis likes this.
  4. Colin_W

    Colin_W Full Member

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    Nov 19, 2016
    Hi Paul, I have actually used a phone 'Power Bank' instead of a battery. It is an experiment but the power banks have a 3.7 volt battery and a Buck Converter built in to boost the voltage to 5volts ( only one required and no need for a regulator). The only drawback so far is that the controller doesn't pull enough current to keep the Bank turned on. In normal use the Bank will detect when a phone battery is charged and stops pulling current and turns off. The hack for this is to put in a shunt resistor across the output of the bank. Mine is 82R soldered across 5V and Gnd on the Nano and the current load is 61mA /0.3 Watts to keep the unit live ( no heat detectable as of yet). This will vary between Banks. As the bank I have used is 4000mA I'm expecting a good operating time. I will then plug the hand set into a usb charger port to recharge the Bank. The voltage control is taken up by the electronics management built into the Bank. The HC-12's are great as they are easy to setup. Baud rates and the 100 channels available can be set with AT commands (like we used to use on the old modems).
  5. Colin_W

    Colin_W Full Member

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    Nov 19, 2016
    So yesterday I got round to starting a second DCC++ wireless controller. Halfway through building the thing I remembered the Lancaster challenge. I accept your challenge Sir.
    Her is the MKII version (actually it's about MK10). Sadly I printed the top case before re-reading the challenge and have both buttons on one side.
    Very short video to follow :headbanger:
    Last edited: May 5, 2021
  6. Colin_W

    Colin_W Full Member

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    Nov 19, 2016
    Short video. Just shows the operation of the thing.
    Speed control on the Encoder and direction change on the Knob by pressing it.
    Changing the Loco address and moving from Loco #1 to Loco #2.
    And of course the changing up and down of the speed control with the buttons, still a minor timing issue with that but haven't got time to sort it.
    I just put a delay in and forgot to remove it.:redface:

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