Welcome ebbwjunc

Discussion in 'New members welcome lounge' started by paul_l, Dec 27, 2016.

  1. ebbwjunc

    ebbwjunc Full Member

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    Dec 27, 2016
    Photo 5 The box open and ready to start erection. The plastic toolbox has the 240vAC transformer and a cooling fan in bottom and the tray is retained to carry the mains lead and a power board. Sockets are built in to take the low voltage power supply to the layout thus keeping the two levels of power separate.

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  2. ebbwjunc

    ebbwjunc Full Member

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    Dec 27, 2016
    Photo 6 The first two legs are up with the shelf holding them rigid. The frame can be seen clearly and is used as a shelf below one end of the layout.

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  3. ebbwjunc

    ebbwjunc Full Member

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    Dec 27, 2016
    Photo 7. Sub frame fully erected and levelled of ready for layout to be placed on top.

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  4. ebbwjunc

    ebbwjunc Full Member

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    Dec 27, 2016
    Photo 8. All the boards in place front and end panels to be secured in place. You can see that the ends of the legs only go about 25mm or so into the rails of the boards and the width is reduced by about 2mm on both sides of the top of the legs. I used a router to do it.

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  5. ebbwjunc

    ebbwjunc Full Member

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    Dec 27, 2016
    Phot 9. Completed boards all erected and in place on legs ready to go. Just build the layout? :confused: As you can see everything is in primer to seal and protect the timber even underneath. All this building and erection I did alone so I think I have achieved the aim of light and portable without any gymnastics required.:thumbup:

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  6. ebbwjunc

    ebbwjunc Full Member

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    Dec 27, 2016
    Photo 10. Looking at the rear, I had the shelf to the rear thinking it would be easier to reach but if you are operating you can knock your shins so it went to the front as there should be no need to attend to anything on the shelf once all is set up. Note the timber bracing to keep the backboards straight and the hole to place the control panel in on the centre board. This panel is made to be taken out and placed back in reverse from the underside for transportation with plug and sockets plus short leads for all the connections. The fiddle yard has also had provision for a shelf which adds rigidity as well as providing for holding cassettes which I am favouring at present. The area is too small for point work so cassettes or sector plates it will be.

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  7. ebbwjunc

    ebbwjunc Full Member

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    Dec 27, 2016
    Photo 11. Diatribe nearly finished just one more photo to go. This is a view of the fiddle area at one end showing the shelf clipped into position adding strength to the front and end.

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  8. ebbwjunc

    ebbwjunc Full Member

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    Dec 27, 2016
    Photo 12. this was taken a few months later after I had nearly completed painting of the outside of the layout ready to begin the modelling but unfortunately events have caught up and no further progress has been made. Locos and stock have been acquired but the ideas for the layout have been developed further and I have changes in mind to hopefully make it more interesting. My friend Chris Frazer is on board although he has nothing to do with British outline but loves scenics so we will see what develops in the near future, hopefully. For the time being there you have it.:faint::thumbs:http://www.click and another cold one.

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  9. ianvolvo46

    ianvolvo46 Staff Member Moderator

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    Dec 8, 2015
    Thats some impressive carpentry beautiful job

    Ian vt
  10. gormo

    gormo Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    That would have to be one of the most professional builds that I have ever seen.

    The thought and planning that has gone into it is brilliant.:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

    Just stunning.!!!

  11. Gary

    Gary Wants more time for modelling.... Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    Wow, that does look good. When are you taking orders ?? ;);)

    If this is the standard you work to on the baseboard/frame, I can't wait to read about the construction of the layout ! :thumbup:

    I think this baseboard and frame/stand build should also be copied into the 'Beginners Guide to a Layout' section from post 69 onward. It would make it easy to find and I'm sure there would be a lot of interest in your build.

    Cheers, Gary.
  12. paul_l

    paul_l Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    Lovely build.

    For my legs I also added a diagonal cross brace to prevent any movement - my wood working skills aren't a patch on yours :whatever:


    Last edited: Aug 20, 2018
  13. ebbwjunc

    ebbwjunc Full Member

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    Dec 27, 2016
    :thumbs::gday: Thanks everyone for your appreciation of my efforts. I would like to add that all natural timber has been varnished as it makes it a lot easier to keep clean and more importantly preserves the timber. My tendancy to go for the overkill situation comes from my time as a ship's engineer on bulk carriers. Out on the ocean miles from anywhere was not where you wanted problems such as breakdowns, you were on your own so we ensured that all jobs were completed to the highest standards from the word go and you had trouble free voyages. I only went through two breakdowns at sea in my entire career and my brother who served in the Royal Navy at the time when visiting me on board reckoned that our engine room could give the Royal Yacht a run for it's money, great praise indeed. If you want to place this in another category for the benefit of more members feel free to do so. The sun is well over the yardarm so with this warm weather, Gormo knows what I'm talking about, time for another cold one.http://www.click:thumbs:
  14. ebbwjunc

    ebbwjunc Full Member

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    Dec 27, 2016
    :hismiley: just a couple of photos that might be of interest. All were taken on Blagdon and the first is of a two car auto train with the loco in the middle. The loco is a model of one of a couple that the GWR endowed with a coach body so as to blend in with the coaches.

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  15. ebbwjunc

    ebbwjunc Full Member

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    Dec 27, 2016
    The second photo in the fiddle yard is a ten compartment C19, I think, clerestory non corridor made from two Triang brake thirds. These Triang celestories must be one of the best models ever, not for what they depict but because they can be cut and shut to make a variety of genuine prototype coaches. The brake ends from the two I cut made up into a 4 wheel PBV but I have still to mount it onto a Ratio 4 wheel coach underframe. The bogies are from a current Hornby celestory coach

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  16. ebbwjunc

    ebbwjunc Full Member

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    Dec 27, 2016
    The third and last for now is a K's six wheel compo with centre luggage compartment. Built as designed but with floor and compartment partitions added. The only unusual thing is the celestory windows were not opened out but polished with the end of a small screwdriver so that they shone like silver and then coated with high gloss varnish. The last comment I have is that I still have not got round to putting decals on this and the other one in photo two but I have not had a single comment so far as to why not.

    :facepalm: :idea:

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  17. paul_l

    paul_l Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    Lovely models, but as you have pointed out, may I be the first to say - Why not ? :avatar:

  18. ebbwjunc

    ebbwjunc Full Member

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    Dec 27, 2016
    :gday: Paul, as to why not I have to be in the mood to apply decals which is not often and I have usually moved on to other projects. I am endeavouring to bring a little more organization to my list of projects as I have suddenly realized a few years back that to complete everything I planned to do I would end up being older than Methuesala. The other problem has been being too involved with other peoples' and club layouts but that is changing slowly. I am only a member of one club and they are the other side of Sydney so as a country member I don't get to go there very often but still enjoy some of the social side along with their annual exhibition. I'll search for more interesting photos that may give some inspiration to others.

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