A scottish Signal box

Discussion in '3D Modeling Projects' started by Andy_Sollis, Mar 30, 2024.

  1. Andy_Sollis

    Andy_Sollis Staff Member Moderator

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    Aug 4, 2018
    A new model signal box has been started - a little off the beaten track for me, but it’s going to be done in return for the kindness Peter has shown me with his support and help with my Block instrument, so an agreement was made to recreate his local box (now gone) in 7mm for him.

    The box is based on Kilmacolm, situated in Renfrewshire, a route and station which closed in 1983. Originally built by the Greenock and Ayrshire Railway in the West-Central lowlands of Scotland. It was later a line run by the Glasgow and South Western Railway.

    The box itself is a brick and timber construction featuring a square bay window to the front which afforded the signalman a view up and down the line unrestricted. The lever frame was situated centrally in the building with your back to the running line. A brick chimney and fire sat along the back wall. The buildings had a wooden porch and a brick overhanging toilet to the rear.

    file 21-03-2024, 14 18 22.png
    The basis for the model.

    file 21-03-2024, 14 18 42.png
    an LMS track diagram from 1925.

    file 21-03-2024, 14 19 36.png
    some reference is taken from neighbouring boxes.
    file 21-03-2024, 14 20 58.png
    Showing the inside of East Kilbride.

    file 21-03-2024, 14 21 37.jpeg
    this shows how the toilet was to the rear (on another box close by)

    I’m fortunate that drawings were available (it really does help!) but still have to do a number of brick counts in photos!
    file 21-03-2024, 14 19 12.jpeg
    this is the only plan that actually shows the rear toilet. It’s not shown on any other plan. However what is shown are some good dimensions and also the window layouts.
    file 21-03-2024, 14 19 25.jpeg

    But with luck, I have some good reference material.
    jakesdad13, gormo, paul_l and 3 others like this.
  2. Andy_Sollis

    Andy_Sollis Staff Member Moderator

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    Aug 4, 2018
    In the last few days I’ve been working on the lower half of the structure. As can be seen, there are a hell of a lot of bricks and a decorative corner brickwork.

    I began with a mortar box, of which the bricks are placed on to it, or at least, the front of the brick stands 1mm proud of the mortar. This gives some depth for painting.
    The blue part here is what will become the floor and initially too high.
    first bricks.png
    mapping out the brick work, length and depth.
    more brick 2.png
    once the decorative corners had been done, I started the “English garden wall bond” style brick work. 3 courses of stretchers between every course of headers. more brick 3.png
    once done there was some filling in to do to match and gap them to the decorative ends (shown in blue at this time) I have also added in the back wall at this time.
    more brick 5.png
    a slight change in colours and moving on to the back wall. Here you can also see the floor has been lowered to its correct location.
    more brick 7.png
    adding in the concrete lintel and also to the side the base for the steps. Also the stone caps for the brick work upper before the timber is started.
    more brick 8.png

    Sides now done. Moving on now to the toilet next.
    Once the brick work is done I will start knocking holes in it for the lower locking room windows, a locking room door and the door from the porch in to the main room.
    gormo, Andrew Laing, paul_l and 6 others like this.
  3. Mossy

    Mossy A classic grump Yorkshire man Full Member

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    Sep 8, 2020
    Back to your happy ground Andy, but a lovely gesture.
    paul_l and Andy_Sollis like this.
  4. Andy_Sollis

    Andy_Sollis Staff Member Moderator

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    Aug 4, 2018
    Yes, 4900 bricks so far! And not even started the chimney

    I HATE BRICKS! lol :avatar:
  5. Andy_Sollis

    Andy_Sollis Staff Member Moderator

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    Aug 4, 2018
    Only an hour or so spent today on the project. We’re probably around the 10 hr mark so far.

    the toilet has had its slanted roof added, doorway cut in main brick work in to the cabin and an early roof and timbers have begun (subject to alteration as we progress)

    Doorway cut
    Roof and the balcony
    from the rear showing the toilet.
  6. Andy_Sollis

    Andy_Sollis Staff Member Moderator

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    Aug 4, 2018
    I’ve begun adding the timber work for the window frames.

    IMG_7232.jpeg IMG_7231.jpeg

    I also like to add a virtual glass as it just finishes off the appearance rather than just open frames.
    The corner windows will be modelled as sliding (although they may not be working this time as they measure out at just around 1mm thick.)

    still some adjustment to do as I have found a small error that needs to be amended on the verandah, in that it wasn’t quite in the correct location and this has meant an adjustment in the front wall brick work.
  7. Mossy

    Mossy A classic grump Yorkshire man Full Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 8, 2020

    I love your signal boxes, just a couple of questions:
    how thick are your plaster walls?,
    what's the dimensions of the bricks,
    do you position each brick individually or have you a few 'short cuts'.

    Sat back awaiting the next episode, I may even get tempted into some kind of structure just as a change.
    York Paul and Andy_Sollis like this.
  8. Andy_Sollis

    Andy_Sollis Staff Member Moderator

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    Aug 4, 2018
    to be fair, it varies. Normally a brick is full in size and embed in to a box “mortar”. That has started out at 1.5mm thick (I have thickened it at the moment to around 3.5 to get the full double brick thickness, but this may be reduced in some spots..

    Much of the brick is copy and paste after setting the gap (usually moved 5.53mm giving a gap of .35mm for the mortar line.)
    York Paul likes this.
  9. Andy_Sollis

    Andy_Sollis Staff Member Moderator

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    Aug 4, 2018
    The timber work is almost done so next will be the porch, door ways and chimney and roof.. and the locking room windows.

    timber 3.png timber 4.png
    Here is the model as drawn in 123d design..

    and the same files in Fusion using the Render option to produce a “photo” version..

    file build v4a.png file build v3a.png
    York Paul, gormo, Vinylelpea and 2 others like this.
  10. Andy_Sollis

    Andy_Sollis Staff Member Moderator

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    Aug 4, 2018
    So an hour or so this aft has focused on amending the varandah, which was too wide. As can be seen I had it at 15.5mm between the window frames. I needed to loose 6mm! No idea where that error crept in!


    file build v5a.png file build v5b.png
    as can be seen, it made a big difference if you compare back to the photo in post 1.

    I then moved on to the locking room door.

    loking room door 1.png
    a hole was made in the right spot, and then we fill it back in!
    loking room door 2.png
    I’ve drawn a full on door here (minus hinges) and it includes the frame and diagonals on the back. (Sorry didn’t take a photo)

    next up will be a mod of the bricks as this has a curved fan of stretcher bricks going upwards above it.
    gormo, Vinylelpea, paul_l and 2 others like this.
  11. paul_l

    paul_l Staff Member Administrator

    Likes Received:
    Dec 5, 2015
    Very nice (as usual) Andy
    Andy_Sollis likes this.
  12. Andy_Sollis

    Andy_Sollis Staff Member Moderator

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    Aug 4, 2018
    I’ve given it all a rest today, but this was final result at end of play yesterday..

    peter sent me this for the locking room door as there was no reference initially with how the top of the doorway was formed. Turns out it was a fan of bricks.

    build 1.png
    a little distant (I’ll try and get a closer pic next time) but I think I’ve captured it.! build 2.png and from the front…. Maybe it was too early for the name board.?
    and the steps side. Still to draw.

    oddly, we checking plans, it appears that the lever frame causes a step in the floor so the back is higher than the front.. I’m still to confirm if this was purely just behind the lever frame or the whole floor and we’re looking in to the chimney breast, but at the moment we have the below.
    I know it doesn’t stand out too well at the moment. The blue door (means it still needs work- frame etc) is to the toilet, to the right the chimney breast and the hole at the bottom for the fire (it may need to move up a little yet and have a stone slab installed as a base.. all things still to work on..

    And once the porch is done, there is still the roof to tile..
    York Paul, paul_l, gormo and 2 others like this.
  13. Andy_Sollis

    Andy_Sollis Staff Member Moderator

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    Aug 4, 2018
    Yesterday was a few hours tidying up the model so far, rectifying an error Peter and I had identified in the plans (by photos) where the rear of the box is shown higher behind the frame, placing door ways higher. Photos proved this wasn’t the case, and it’s infact a small raised box section only to the rear of the frames to allow access..

    this is shown below.
    and here..
    although we have to consider that there may be mods and variations between boxes, but we are going on what is present commonly now, even though the Kilmacolm box is no more so no direct reference.

    With that, the floor was lowered at the back along with the door way and the toilet floor.
    file build v6a.png
    externally, showing the locking room door complete . file build v7b.png
    and for a little higher looking in.
    file build v6b.png
    An internal shop pre panelling.
    file build v7a.png
    With panelling (although I’d forgot to “paint” the stone lintel on the inside at this time. It still needs a lower trim adding as well as the skirting to complete. ) I used a “light bomb” to bring some brightness.
    file build v7c.png
    and without the lights on!! From the doorway. file build v8a.png

    looking across to the toilet and fire place. The back wall still needs panelling.
    York Paul, paul_l, Ron and 1 other person like this.
  14. Andy_Sollis

    Andy_Sollis Staff Member Moderator

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    Aug 4, 2018
    Just as a small follow up, here you can see on the drawings (it’s shown on more than one some are not sure why?) that the doorway is higher?

    I’ve highlighted the two levels.
    again this suggests otherwise


    And again with the panels removed during S&T work.
    paul_l, Ron and Jim Freight like this.
  15. Jim Freight

    Jim Freight Full Member

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    Sep 9, 2019
    Fascinating Andy, I can't quite make out in the drawing what the wire and pulley system is for, a failsafe counterweight? :scratchchin:

    Jim :)
  16. Walkingthedog

    Walkingthedog Full Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 30, 2020
    I think that is incredible. I wouldn’t have a clue how to do that. Fascinating.
  17. Andy_Sollis

    Andy_Sollis Staff Member Moderator

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    Aug 4, 2018
    I'm not knowledgeable on that side, I think its just how its arranged so the lever pull moves against the wheel to pull the wire for the signal. @York Paul may know more and advise better how the underside of a lever frame works.
  18. Andy_Sollis

    Andy_Sollis Staff Member Moderator

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    Aug 4, 2018
    All walls have now been timbered. Just the fire place to sort now. Awaiting what we are doing with this. (- as in what time period we are looking to replicate.)

    file build v11a.png
    So at the moment the lower fire place is still just plaster.
    looking back the other way.

    this internally will leave only door frames to the toilet and the porch door to complete (the porch will be a separate section.)

    last night I spent an hour doing the locking room windows.. however I feel I’ve got a dimension wrong somewhere as they look too wide and also too high (one 3 rows to high and should have been the same level as the top of the locking room door. Some of this was not rechecking - the old cut once measure twice)
    So I now need to refer back to an older file for the front bricks and start again. file build v13b.png file 21-03-2024, 14 18 22.png it was also drawn up without the top half of the model so missed some scale reference points. Lesson learned!
    paul_l, gormo and Ron like this.
  19. gormo

    gormo Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    Impressive Andy....:thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:
    Andy_Sollis likes this.
  20. Wolseley

    Wolseley Full Member

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    Sep 30, 2017
    I'm not sure if the G&SWR would be the least modelled Scottish railway or if that dubious honour should go to the GNSR, but it's certainly something a bit off the beaten track. Looking good too.
    Andy_Sollis likes this.

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